Sturgill Turner

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Scott Miller & Charley Cole Present on Critical Incident Response & Officer Discipline at KACP

Municipal and police law attorneys Scott Miller and Charley Cole presented important information on critical incident response and police officer discipline to police chiefs across the Commonwealth at the Kentucky Association of Chiefs of Police Annual Conference on July 20, 2021.

Scott’s 24 years of law enforcement experience means he knows first-hand the issues surrounding critical incidents involving police officers, and his depth of litigation and defense experience make him uniquely qualified to advise officers and departments on responding to these difficult situations, and helping prevent them from happening. He works hard to minimize the disruption that litigation can have on a police officer’s ability to effectively enforce the law and protect the community.

Charley Cole has advised multiple police departments across the Commonwealth on police officer discipline, policy creation, and preventative measures. He has represented departments and officers in issues from employment disputes and the Police Officers Bill of Rights, to emerging issues such as social media use and privacy issues. His expertise helps departments run smoothly and continue their primary purpose of enforcing the law and keeping their communities safe.

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